This is the forth and final post in our series of blog posts focusing on the field of Natural Language Processing! In our first post, we saw that the application of neural networks for building language models was a major turning point in the NLP timeline, and in our second post we explored the significance of Word Embeddings in advancing the field. In our third post, we described the language model and how to build your own language-generating model in Keras! We are finally ready to tackle sequential processing, attention, and the Transformer!
In their highly-memorable paper titled “Attention Is All You Need”, Google Brain researchers introduced the Transformer, a new type of encoder-decoder model that relies solely on attention for sequence-to-sequence modelling. Before the Transformer, attention was used to help improve the performance of the likes of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) on sequential data. Now, this is a lot. You might be wondering, “What the hell is sequence-to-sequence modelling, Jeanne?” You may also suffer from an attention deficiency, so allow me to introduce you to…
Sequence-to-sequence models (or seq2seq, for shorthand) are a class of machine learning models that translates an input sequence to an output sequence. Typically, seq2seq models consist of two distinct components: an encoder and a decoder. The encoder constructs a fixed-length latent vector (or context vector) of the input sequence. The decoder uses the latent vector to (re)construct the output or target sequence. Both the input and output sequence can be of variable length.
The applications of seq2seq models extend beyond simply machine translation. The architecture of the encoder-decoder model can be used for question-answering, mapping speech-to-text and vice versa, text summarisation, image captioning, as well as learning contextualised word embeddings.
Attention is a function of the hidden states of the encoder to help the decoder decide which parts of the input sequence are most important for generating the next output token. Attention allows the decoder to focus on different parts of the input sequence at every step of the output sequence generation. This means that dependencies can be identified and modeled, regardless of their distance in the sequences.
When attention is added to the RNN encoder-decoder, all the encoder’s hidden representations are used during the decoding process. The attention mechanism creates a unique mapping between the output of the decoder and the hidden states of the encoder at each time step. These mappings reflects how important that part of the input is for generating the next output token .Thus, the decoder can “see” the entire input sequence and decide which elements to pay attention to when generating the next output token.
There are two major types of attentions: Bahdanau Attention, and Luong Attention.
Bahdanau Attention works by aligning the decoder with the relevant input sentences. The alignment scores is a function of the hidden states produced by the decoder in the previous time step and the encoder outputs. The attention weights are the output of softmax applied to the alignment scores. After this, the encoder’s outputs and their attention weights are multiplied element-wise to form the context vector.
The context vector of Luong Attention is calculated similarly to Bahdanau’s Attention.
The key differences between the two are as follows:
Google Brain researchers flipped the tables on the NLP community and showed that sequential modelling can be done using just attention, in their 2017 paper titled “Attention is all you need”. In this paper, they introduce the Transformer, a simplistic architecture that makes use of only attention mechanisms to draw global dependencies between input and output sequences.
The Transformer consists of two parts: an encoding component and a decoding component. Additionally, positional encodings are injected to give information about the absolute and relative positions of the tokens.
Much like Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Transformers allows for processing sequential information, but in a much more efficient manner. The Transformer outperform RNNs, both in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. Its architecture is devoid of any recurrence or convolutions, and thus training can be parallelizable across multiple processing units. It has achieved state-of-the-art performance on several tasks, and, even more importantly, was found to generalize very well to other NLP tasks, even with limited data.
The Transformer has taken the NLP community by storm, earning a place among the ranks of Word2Vec and LSTMs. Today, some of the state-of-the-art language models are based on the Transformer architecture, such as BERT and GPT-3. In this blog post, we discussed the evolution of sequence-to-sequence modelling, from RNNs, to RNNs with Attention, to solely relying on attention to model input to output sequences with the Transformer. This is the fourth and final post in a series of blog posts focusing on the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). I would love to hear your feedback, so feel free to email me at
About the author:
Jeanne is a Data Scientist with a specialization in NLP at Cape AI. Jeanne holds a Master’s in Applied Mathematics from the University of Stellenbosch and has published at ACL.
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